Brave's T-ball team 2010

Brave's T-ball team 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Braves vs Mets!! Great game!

No Coach Brad this week! The kids and coaches all tried their best!

This week our game was like something out of a blooper reel! Not the way the kids played, but the fact that the sprinklers came on right in the middle of the game! That was a riot!

Hudson got the game ball this week! He played fantastic. I love watching him slide into home!!

I got some great shots of the boys. I hope you all are enjoying this season as much as we are.

Jacob scoops it up....

Throws it to Hudson at 1st! Great teamwork boys!

Hudson takes a great swing!

These boys called me over to take this picture! CRAZY KIDS!

Coach Andy doing his Happy Dance!

Jack only has eyes for third base

The level of concentration on these kids!! Maddux flying around the bases!

No stopping Andrew!

Uh, is that supposed to be on?

Nope!! They all just stood there! Is was so fun!

I think that's Maddux in there!

Andrew S makes a great stop!

Throws a bullet to Maddux!

Andrew cheers on Hunter

I think this is Daniel doing some fancy footwork!

Daniel and Hunter running the bases!

Here comes Hudson......

and he's safe!!

Jacob and his Dad

Seth, the running man!

The loyal fans

Please go in my glove, please go in my glove, please go in my glove...

Hunter and Hudson going for another out

Another addition to the shirt opera.....
Do your own stunts?? Now really!!

Our boys ready for some high fives from the Mets.

Great snacks this week! OREOS and CHEETOS!!
Thanks to Daniel's family for providing them!

Go Braves!!

And the game ball goes to.....HUDSON!! You go boy!!

Another great day for the Braves and their families!!

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