Brave's T-ball team 2010

Brave's T-ball team 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Braves vs White Sox!! Put us down for a WIN!!!

It was supposed to rain. 60% chance! Did it rain? Nope, it was a beautiful cloudless day. The kind of day made just for t-ball.

I finally got to a game. I've missed watching our kiddos play!

The team played fantastic today. Lots and lots of outs! The White Sox were not an easy team to beat. They were also getting some outs!

Daniel got the game ball!! Woo Hoo. He hit the ball farther today than he ever has in a game!

Thanks to Laura, Andrew W's mom, for sending me some pictures to use.

Here are our photos from today's game. It was a great day!

Daniel, Benjamin, Andrew S and Jacob warming up before the game!


Daniel's little brother, Henry. Love his stripes!

I know he lays awake at night just thinking of things to put on the back of his shirt!

Jacob ready to get this game going!

Look at the effort from Hunter

Here's Hudson ready to send the ball flying

Jacob is making sure his run counts!

Maddux!! This kiddo cracks me up!

Andrew W scores! Happy camper!

Will you look at our boys run those bases! Daniel gets an RBI!! Seth goes for home.

Hunter and his Dad

Great swing Benjamin

Maddux connecting

Andrew W sends one out there

That is serious concentration from Jack

Seth, Hunter and Jack playing some D!!

This was a great effort from Hudson!

Maddux going for an out!

Jacob gets a hold of one!

These clowns were doing Disco dancing!! Do you think they have any idea who John Travolta is?

What a great throw from Hunter! Andrew W, Jacob and Coach Micheal hope it's an out!

The Brave's loyal fans!

Hudson-"Is it in there?"


Andrew S scoops one up! Our boys were on fire!

Some of the Braves

I thought this wasn't a contact sport!

Braves Win!! Braves Win!!

Great job boys!

Enthusiastic high fiving!

You think Parker is excited because they won or because it's time for snacks??

Coach Brad gave Andrew S his game ball for his effort against the Angels!

Daniel is the game ball winner for today! Way to go!

This year has been great! Great kids and great parents!
Go Braves!!!

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