Brave's T-ball team 2010

Brave's T-ball team 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Braves vs Marlins!! I think we lost......

We had our second game of the season. I'm not really sure, but I think we lost. The boys didn't really seem to care one way or another! I do believe the Marlins had more outs than our kiddos did.

I just love it that it really doesn't matter to the boys or their parents if they win or lose. They are all having so much fun. There will be plenty of time for intense ball games in the future!

Being the team mom has some really great advantages. I get to be inside the dugout with the boys during the game. It's a riot listening and watching them interact. They all seem to really get along and like each other. Some of the boys have known each other for awhile.

Once the game was underway the boys didn't really have to much interest in watching their teammates bat. That was until I suggested that we cheer for them! I forgot how loud 11 screaming boys could be! They were coming up with their own chants while hanging from the fence! I had lost control. Oh well, at least they were in a cage, of sorts.

The other advantage I have as a team mom is taking photos of the kids during the game. Here are some from this game. I am sure that our kids have to be the cutest t-ball team ever!

By the way, in case you didn't know, you can click on each picture to make it larger.

Seth and a fantastic swing

Parker going for a home run!

Jacob is absolutely keeping his eye on the ball

Daniel has a runner on 3rd to bring home! No pressure though!

Andrew is so relaxed before hitting he can stop to pose for pictures! Love it!

Poor Coach Mike. You would think that with all the money it cost to have the kids play t-ball, he could have gotten a decent shirt!
The families getting ready for the big game!

Defense Defense Defense

This is by far my most favorite picture of the day. I got goose bumps when I took it. Will you look at the smirk on Maddux's face, his little hand on the ball in his glove, Jack signaling the runner is outta there, Andrew hiding his mouth because he's laughing and the two coaches clapping!! All this because the poor little Marlin player didn't make it to 1st base!

Here's Daniel patiently waiting his turn to bat

Coach Brad giving out a little last minute advice

And he's OUT!! That's Jacob's first out ever! I wasn't to wild about them getting my baby boy out. Jacob, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind one bit.

The Braves are T-Ball ready

Will you look at the extension on that kid!

The Braves Fan Club

Jacob the Running Man

Crazy kids cheering on their teammates

Jack gets a base hit!

Hunter was dealing with an injury. You would never know it looking at that face

What a catch by Parker!

That is a future major league player right there! Go Maddux!

Game is over. Now they are lining up to high five the Marlins. Such good sports.

Parker was awarded the game ball for doing such a great job playing today.
Way to go Parker!!

Thanks so much to Laura for sharing some of her photos from the game with me. Also a big thanks to Seth's mom, Angela, for all the yummy snacks and drinks after the game.


1 comment:

  1. The blog looks awesome, Joyce! Thanks for putting it together. Our team is so great!
