Brave's T-ball team 2010

Brave's T-ball team 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

We're in a parade!!

It's Opening Day!!

82 teams participated in today's parade! It was wonderful. Coach Brad's wife, Dallas, and myself had the privilege of riding in the cab of the parade truck. We had so many people along the parade route comment on how fantastic the Brave's truck looked!! All the parents and players should be so proud.

We had to start the day early, early. Thanks to Bonnie, Hunter's mom, for bringing the team donut holes and drinks. We had a beautiful day for a parade.

Some of the boys. How cute are they in their uniforms?

Coach Brad and Jacob's dad, Rob, with the team banner!

What do 11 boys need who are going to be in a confined space for an extended period of time??? Whistles!!!

Maddux and Jacob

Hudson, Andrew and Parker

Seth and Benjamin

Andrew and Hunter

They were so ready to get the parade started!!


Look at them having so much fun! It was a great parade. People were yelling all along the route, Go Braves. The boys loved it. I think the coaches were having just as much fun!

Some of the team's fan club...

After the parade was over, the team had to go line up on a field with the other 81 teams for Opening Ceremonies. Our boys were great. It was a long time just waiting for all the teams to arrive.

The kiddos were getting a little restless and wanted to get the show on the road!

Some of the crowd. The place was packed.

Finally, the Pledge of Allegiance.

Jacob and Hudson

The Brave's T-ball team 2010!!!!!

As a part of being on the team, we had to put together, with 2 other teams, a basket to auction off at Opening Day. Our theme was an educational basket for toddlers. Our team had 100% participation!! It is because of Brave's parents that this basket is overflowing with great stuff!! Thanks so much parents!
You can't see it very well, but that is a kids sized wheelbarrow with toys inside of it! So cute. Should help to raise a ton of money for our league.

Here's a picture of our bid sheet. Up to $150 right off the bat! Woo Hoo!! I wonder what it sold for??

A huge thanks to all the parents that volunteered their time to get this all together. Also, thanks to the nice man that let us borrow his truck for the parade!!
It is so much more fun being on a team that has parents who participate in all the stuff!! I think our boys are going to have a great season.

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